• Question: when will there be robots

    Asked by to Andrei, Ekbal, Gemma, Helen, Ruth on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Ekbal Hussain

      Ekbal Hussain answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi mate!
      Robots are actually all around us. We use robots every day to do things for us. For example, in big factories that make cars, all the big parts of the car are often put together by robots.

      But what I think you are talking about, is robots who look like people. Sadly, those kind of robots are not ready just yet. But there are many many scientists working on robotics to make them more like us.

      You may not realise it, but are very very complicated indeed. To make a machine do things like us is not easy.

      But I believe one day, we will have robots just like us in our every day lives. Maybe as soon as 50 years!
