• Question: Is the Loch Ness Monster real?

    Asked by to Andrei, Ekbal, Gemma, Helen, Ruth on 20 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Ekbal Hussain

      Ekbal Hussain answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Hi Gargank,

      Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence that shows the Loch Ness monster is real.

      It first came to people’s attention about 80 years ago by a famous photo showing a strange ‘creature’ in the the lake. But it’s since been shown that this picture was a fake.

      But that hasn’t stopped many people believing in the monster. Some think it is a living sea reptile from the time of the dinosaurs, called a pleisosaur. These were alive around 100 million years ago. But scientists believe they all died out along with the dinosaurs.

      So, I personally don’t think it is real, sorry!


    • Photo: Helen Gath

      Helen Gath answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Hi Gargank,

      Hmm, I do like the idea of a dinosaur living in a Loch, but this legend has been going on for such a long time, I would be very impressed if it was still alive!

      In all reality, this species of dinosaur would have died a long time ago. Myths and legends, however, are an important part of our culture. Long ago, before emails and phones, even books, a lot of what we learnt came down to stories told around the fire place, passed on through generations…some were based on fact, others were more for entertainment and teaching morals. Perhaps this is why the legend of Nessie has survived so long??
