• Question: if you need the things you mine to make the mining tools then how do you get the stuff

    Asked by to Andrei, Ekbal, Gemma, Helen, Ruth on 18 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Ekbal Hussain

      Ekbal Hussain answered on 18 Jun 2014:


      There are very few animals who are clever enough to use tools. And humans are definitely the best! We started making tools thousands of years ago. But we have been using tools for much longer. The tools we used then were just sharp stones and branches we found lying around.

      A sharp stone can be used to dig a hole. But you can also use that sharp stone to make other sharp stones and slowly like this we have developed our skills at using tools. At first using material we found lying around and then using these to design other tools and eventually use these to mine for material to make even better tools.

      Hope that answers your question!

    • Photo: Helen Gath

      Helen Gath answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      Hi Dinosour! Or are you a Dinosaur?

      The evolution of humans finding different material to work with ,and slowly refine their equipment into effective tools, is very interesting. As Ekbal said, it would have begun using basic objects around us, like sticks and bones. Humans may have taken a lot of their inspiration from wildlife to design these tools, as many animals have ‘built-in’ defense mechanisms. Antelope often have large horns on their head which are made of very strong, tough material, which can cause a lot of damage. Razor sharp teeth in animals can be fatal to attackers, whilst the hard shell of a tortoise or tough skin of an elephant can provide excellent protection! Humans would have collected some of these ‘weapons’ when the animals died and used them for themselves.

      As this developed and we moved away primary resources, humans began to experiment with new materials. Discovering that metals could be melted, and re-shaped into different tools was a HUGE advancement for civilization.

      Even now, we still look to nature for inspiration when designing new tools, defenses, weapons even….One really cool gadget created by the Department of Defense are sticky paddle like gloves that can allow soldiers to climb walls like spider man! This is based on the ‘technology’ of gecko fingers and their ability to grip surfaces.

      I know this is a little side track from your question, and Ekbal pretty much answered it, but just wanted to share my thoughts : )
